

计划给 to Rhode Island College - a Great Way to Leave a Legacy! 



A gift from your estate can provide significant future support for the college while providing you with:

  • the flexibility you need to take care of yourself and your loved ones
  • 即时的税收优惠和未来的收入



“As president emeritus, Rhode Island College will always have a special 的地方 in my heart. My planned gift will leave a lasting legacy for RIC and our students for years to come.”



It can be as simple as adding Rhode Island College as a beneficiary on an existing account or including us in your will. If you are interested in establishing a planned gift in support of a specific cause or to establish endowed funds at Rhode Island College, 请给我们打电话. We would love to talk with you and provide more information about how to include us in your estate plans.



While you may transfer many of your assets through your will or living trust, a beneficiary designation document controls distribution of your retirement plans, 人寿保险单, commercial annuities and a variety of financial accounts. A beneficiary designation is one of the simplest ways to make a gift to RIC. 这就像填写表格一样简单.


This gift is simple because you can control the transfer of these assets at your death without changing your will or living trust. All you need to do is request (and complete) a new beneficiary designation form from your plan administrator. 没有必要修改你的遗嘱或生前信托.

Life insurance policies can be used to make a gift to Rhode Island College. Complete a form and return it to the insurance company designating that RIC receives all or a portion of the death benefit associated with your life insurance policy. As an alternative to naming the RIC as the beneficiary, you can transfer ownership of the policy. Transferring ownership results in an immediate income tax charitable deduction and potential income tax savings in the year of the gift.

This is a contract between you and the college in which you agree to make a gift to RIC. 作为回报, you become eligible to take a partial tax deduction for your donation, plus you (or another beneficiary of your choice) receives a fixed stream of income for the rest of your life.

You can endow a trust that provides the college with set payments for a time period of your choosing. The longer the length of time, the better are the potential tax savings for you. 当学期结束时, 信托基金的剩余资产归你所有, 您的家人或您选择的其他受益人. This is an excellent way to transfer property to family members at a minimal cost.

A charitable remainder trust provides you or other named individuals with income each year for life, 或者期限不超过20年, from assets you give to an irrevocable trust you create.

You can instruct your bank to pay RIC all or a portion of what remains in a checking or savings account. Your bank can provide you with the appropriate beneficiary designation form.

You can instruct your investment company to transfer to RIC some or all of the investments held in an account at the time of your passing. Your broker or agent can let you know the process for doing this; it may be as simple as adding “T.O.D. to Rhode Island College” after your name on the account.

捐赠房屋有很多选择, 第二个家, 商业建筑, 空地, 农场或其他房地产给esball官方网. Real estate can be used to make a meaningful gift and still provide lifetime benefits to the donor.

艺术品的礼物, 古董, valuables or other personal property can be an excellent way to support the college. 这包括知识产权和专利.


Leaving a legacy at Rhode Island College is easier than you might think. We can help you evaluate your options for making a legacy gift.

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The esball官方网基金会 is an independent organization dedicated to raising funds solely for the institution. It is the primary source of private support to the college.